281-570-5804 / 832-677-4620
Delivering measurable results and driving sales leads
An experienced web marketing firm
Houston Search Engine Marketing

Case Study # 7

November 9th, 2013 :: Andy Alagappan ::

1. A brief introduction to your business, how did you hear about SEO and how did you think it would help you.
Houston3dstudio.com provides 3 D ANIMATION solutions to several vertical markets.

2. How did you search for an SEO company?
After several considerations, it made better sense to go with the later. Over many weeks we researched several so called SEO companies and looked at their portfolio / results, and found that most of them were doing a sub par job! Had no proven case studies like epromotionz !

3. How you found epromotionz ?
We needed quality for affordable price and were not able to help our clients in the SEO area with opportunities knocking our door. We found epromotionz through one of our clients . In our search for an Ideal company for SEO, and after much research, epromotions stood apart from their competition.

4. How epromotionz fared Vs other SEO companies and what made you signup with epromotionz ?
We hired epromotionz to work on several websites including Houston 3 D The results were phenomenal; we were ranking high in search engines in just about a month and getting more inquiries and more new business. Our referred clients are happy with us for referring epromotions, and we had developed as their trusted advisor and not just an another web development company. This has helped us in creating long lasting relationship with clients and given us a lot of referrals and repeat business. Andy knows a lot of useful information about SEO optimization and it would be wise to hear him out, after all, it could make a big difference if you are competing with other companies in your line of business.

5. Any concerns you might have had while signing up with us ?
Yes, can they really do what other companies boast in their correspondences and come up with nothing at the end? Am I making the best use of our marketing efforts? Is the best solution for us? Etc…

A meeting with Andy cleared them right up and we knew looking at epromotionz site and results that it would work for us without question.

6. How it felt working with our team and whether our team would respond to your questions and whether they followed the SEO schedule given to you?
The team was very knowledgeable about SEO and they were able to answer all our questions and put our minds to ease. We were happy with the results and we knew that the team was working to show results.

7. How soon did you start seeing improvements in traffic and enquiries?
We started seeing traffic and inquiries in a couple of months.

Rankings in Google.com

Keyword Pos. Page
3D Animation Company Houston 1 1
3D Animation Services Houston 1 1
3D Animation Studio Texas 1 1
3D Character Animation Texas 1 1
3D Industrial Design Texas 1 1
3D Interactive Designs Houston 1 1
Character Animation Houston 1 1
Houston 3D Studio 1 1
Interactive 3D Houston 1 1
Prototype Animation 1 1
3D Animation Houston 2 1
3D Animation Modeling Houston 2 1
3D Architecture Modeling Houston 3 1
3D Interactive Animation Houston 3 1
3D Industrial Models 4 1
3D Logo Design Texas 5 1
Animation Studio Houston 6 1
3D Graphic Animations 15 1

8.Did our work help you increase your business? If possible elaborate a little further on this.
Yes definitely, we received more inquiries and more new clients since we started working with epromotionz. If you consider ROI then epromotionz is definitely worth it.

9. Would you recommend epromotionz to other companies?
Yes definitely, we have referred Andy to several companies, and have received a lot more business from Houston3dstudio.com and will continue to do so in the future.

By Andy Alagappan : Call US for a FREE 30 MIN Web Site Marketing and Lead Generation analysis and Video Strategy consulting @ 832-677-4620 .281-570-5804 .

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