281-570-5804 / 832-677-4620
Delivering measurable results and driving sales leads
An experienced web marketing firm
Houston Search Engine Marketing

Case Study # 3

November 9th, 2013 :: Andy Alagappan ::

1. A brief introduction to your business, how did you hear about PPC and how did you think it would help you.
Furniture4schools is a distributor of school furniture and equipment to schools across the country. I was somewhat familiar with PPC advertising, especially with Overture. PPC campaigns on Google are far more difficult to manage effectively.

2. How did you search for an SEO /PPC company?
Interview, interview, interview. Late in the game I was referred to epromotionz by a friend in another industry that used them for their PPC campaign and had great results.

3. How you found epromotionz ?
Referred by a friend in another industry.

4. How epromotionz fared Vs other / PPC companies and what made you signup with epromotionz ?
I felt comfortable with epromotionz after meeting with Andy. I also felt good about their ability because of the work they did for my friends’ company.

5. Any concerns you might have had while signing up with us ?
None; other than the normal concern of going into a costly marketing campaign where the results are not a slam-dunk.

6. How it felt working with our team and whether our team would respond to your questions and whether they followed the SEO /PPC schedule given to you?
My main contact is Andy and he has been great! He is responsive to my requests, answers all of my questions and seems to really want to make my investment succeed.

7. How soon did you start seeing improvements in traffic and enquiries? From PPC Campaign
In a word…….immediately.

8. Did our work help you increase your business? If possible elaborate a little further on this.
Furniture4schools has gone from basically 0 hits a day to 40+ hits a day(one day we had over 70 hits). We have already brought in enough business to cover our costs on the PPC campaign. I am so happy with the results, I have signed up with epromotionz for an SEO campaign.

9. Would you recommend epromotionz PPC Services to other companies?
I already have and I will continue to as long as they don’t compete with furniture4schools.

By Andy Alagappan : Call US for a FREE 30 MIN Web Site Marketing and Lead Generation analysis and Video Strategy consulting @ 832-677-4620 .281-570-5804 .

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